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Our Beloved Inspiration

Meet Vita

Vita, a beacon of wisdom and warmth in my life’s journey. In my early days, my attempts to utter “Abuelita” transformed into the affectionate name “Vita” (vee-ta), a name that became a heartfelt connection. As the first grandchild, the privilege to name her fell upon me, and that name became an everlasting bond. Vita’s presence has been a constant, from embarking on cross-country train adventures with my sisters and me, to accompanying me on my inaugural flight to Norway.

Vita’s influence stretches beyond moments; it weaves through the fabric of my aspirations. Her journey is one of resilience, of founding a company at the age of 63, igniting a fire within me to pursue entrepreneurial dreams. Her courage became the seed that sprouted my own desire to create, innovate, and make a positive impact. With each milestone I reached, I knew I was walking a path she had paved.

Life’s tapestry has gracefully woven its threads full circle, and now it’s my turn to be the pillar of support. As the caretaker, as the guardian of her well-being, I now have the privilege to give back the love and care that she has generously bestowed upon me. 

Compassion in Action

Answerig The Call

“I need help,” were the words that marked a turning point. After years of unwavering care, Vita’s primary caregiver, my mom, reached out for support. This plea was met with open hearts and a deep desire to make a difference. The foundation of Vita’s Gardens was laid with a commitment to ensuring that compassionate care is accessible to all, fostering a supportive environment for both residents and their families.

Taking the Leap

A Journey of Sacrifice and Love

“Wait, you’re really doing that?” My girlfriend’s incredulous look mirrored the doubts swirling within me. “I’m actually thinking of bringing my grandmother to live with me,” I confessed, fully aware of the immense undertaking I was contemplating. With a lifestyle involving almost 250 days on the road each year prior to the pandemic, why was I now considering sharing my space with someone needing constant care? The skepticism in her voice echoed the valid concerns she voiced – the responsibility, the effort, and the drastic change.

A Serene Setting

From a Small Town to Our Oasis: Nature's Embrace Beckons

Let me paint you a picture of who I am. In 2016, I took a monumental leap and uprooted my life to Colombia. Yes, the country itself. Aiming to rejuvenate my business ventures after a project fell apart, I sought a haven where I could both care for myself and manage my debt. What began as a one-year hiatus evolved into a remarkable journey. Amidst the backdrop of Colombia, I not only met my love but also flourished in my business endeavors, even diversifying into new ventures. 

My friendships evolved into a tight-knit community that I’m grateful to be part of. My home is nestled in a small city with direct flights to the US, boasting a stable economy and a perpetual climate of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Here, an abundance of fresh fruit, including my own avocados, mandarins, lemons, and mangosteen, is at my fingertips. This setting has become my sanctuary, where the rhythm of life aligns with true enjoyment rather than the relentless pursuit of it.

The Challenge

Enter Vita

At 92 years old, Vita carries the weight of advanced Alzheimer’s and dementia, yet her spirit remains indomitable. A blessing in many respects, Vita maintains her health and independence, but I’m originally from Maine, that’s where my folks and Vita lived, so that presented a significant challenge – trying to explain to Vita that she could not go out today (because it’s 15 degrees out) was impossible, often resulting in her irritation. While summers brought some respite, allowing her solitary walks, the winter posed numerous difficulties for my mother, Vita’s primary caregiver. As much as my mother dedicated herself to ensuring Vita’s well-being, the constant concern over Vita’s safety and health necessitated a change.

The concept

"Will It Work?"

Prior to Vita’s arrival, I was accustomed to living alone. The prospect of sharing my living space with her and her caregivers was daunting. Drawing from my experience launching two businesses, managing international teams, and overseeing a 38-acre organic farm, I recognized the need to establish an effective system and structure. It was clear that for this to work, a cohesive team and a well-defined routine were essential. I reached out to my network to find skilled nurses specialized in elderly care, a journey that led us to select three compassionate individuals whose dedication exceeded expectations. We devised a 12-hour shift schedule to ensure continuous care, and I engaged my housekeeper, Dina, to assume additional responsibilities to ensure the household’s smooth operation.

Proving the concept

A New Perspective

My girlfriend expressed skepticism – Colombians weren’t known for their adherence to systems. I acknowledged her concerns but decided to test the system regardless, confident that adjustments could be made as needed. And it worked! With meticulous documentation, clear guidelines, and the caregivers’ genuine commitment, the transition was smoother than anticipated. It wasn’t without hiccups – questions arose about weekend breakfasts and holiday celebrations – but every challenge was met with a solution. Not three months into the experiment, my girlfriend and I took a vacation, leaving Vita and her caregivers to manage on their own. To our delight, everything functioned seamlessly.

“Have you ever considered starting a home for elderly individuals?” Her question was both earnest and insightful. “Actually, yes,” I confessed, revealing a previous inclination to enter the senior care industry before embarking on my current career trajectory. “Let’s ponder this, pray about it, and seriously explore the possibility.” Hearing those words from my girlfriend, who rarely conceded the phrase “you were right,” sparked a thrilling realization. Witnessing the tangible success of a meticulously designed system, she now stood beside me, not just as a partner but also as a potential collaborator in an entrepreneurial venture.

Crafting Comfort and Fulfillment

Our Dream

Vita’s Gardens is a realization of a collective dream – yours, ours, and the dream of countless families who long for a haven of love and care for their loved ones. Rooted in the aspirations of our founder’s mother, Vita’s dream lives on in the cozy embrace of our home. Our purpose is to provide a place where each resident can thrive, rest, and be nurtured, fostering a sense of gratitude for the life they’ve lived and the life they continue to live.

Our Mission

At Vita's Gardens, our mission is to create a haven of love, care, and companionship, where generations meet, and where the essence of life is celebrated. We are dedicated to providing exceptional, compassionate, and personalized care that nurtures the well-being of our residents, honoring their unique journeys and fostering an atmosphere of connection and belonging.

Our Vision

Our vision at Vita's Gardens is to be a beacon of warmth and support, where the tapestry of life's experiences is woven into an environment that transcends borders and brings families closer. We aspire to be the epitome of holistic care, seamlessly blending cutting-edge healthcare with genuine relationships, while upholding our founder's legacy of resilience, love, and innovation.

Our Goal

Our goal is to establish Vita's Gardens as a model of excellence in senior care, setting a new standard for compassionate living. We aim to cultivate an inclusive community where residents thrive, families find peace of mind, and staff are driven by purpose. Through innovative practices, continuous learning, and unwavering dedication, we strive to enrich the lives of our residents and their loved ones, crafting a tapestry of experiences that reflect the richness of life itself.

Embracing Life, Every Step of the Way

Vita’s Gardens is not just a residence, but a welcoming home that embraces seniors with personalized care, exquisite gardens, and a range of activities that inspire happiness and connection.

Meet the Founders


The Visionary Entrepreneur


The Compassionate Educator

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Discover More About Vita's Gardens

Interested in providing unparalleled care and comfort for your loved ones at Vita’s Gardens? Leave your contact details, and we’ll reach out to you with more information about our unique approach and offerings. Let’s embark on this heartfelt journey together.